IHD Powder Coat Solutions and Cramer LLC Help America Sit More Comfortably

“Time is money for everybody, so when you no longer have to sort through something that should be right from the beginning, just so it can be redone, you know it’s a win-win for everyone.” ~Christe Foster, Cramer LLC

For more than 130 years, Cramer LLC has been on the leading edge when it comes to innovating task chairs and stools. Workers in fields ranging from clinical, to industrial to medical have been working more comfortably for many decades, thanks to Cramer’s dedicated mission: to improve the health and productivity of workers in unique environments.

For the past decade, IHD Solutions has been a proud participant in this endeavor.

Prior to partnering with IHD Solutions, Cramer had spent many frustrating years with another local powder coat provider. It wasn’t until Nathan approached them that they considered doing anything other than continuing to try to work through the issues they’d grown accustomed to handling. IHD Solutions submitted a quote and ran some sample parts, and the rest is history.

According to Cramer’s Director of Operations, Christe Foster, “Their quality of paint was far better than what we were getting out of our current painter at the time. So, it was kind of a no-brainer, they had a very, very competitive quote and a much better quality so Cramer made the switch and IHD has been painting our parts ever since.”

She continues: “At the end of the day, we had fewer repaints and rejects. If you’re in manufacturing, you know that there’s nothing worse than running a big order and getting a bad run of parts halfway through it because of the paint. Literally, once we moved to IHD Solutions, we didn’t have those issues anymore. They deliver an exceptional product and one that we can depend on from a quality perspective. Our rework costs pretty much disappeared when we went with IHD. We were used to an insane amount of rework parts, or shipments would show up missing parts, and there were a lot of problems with overall quality. But with IHD Solutions, all of those issues just went away.”

Since Cramer has been partnering with IHD Solutions, they’ve also been able to sub out their assembly work to Nuvar out of Michigan with a higher level of confidence. Foster credits our capability to work directly with Cramer’s assembly partner, saying: “It has really allowed our company to take what we’re good at, which is our customer service team, our support, our sales team, as well as our engineering and our R&D–now we can spend a lot more time working on bringing new products to market rather than just putting out the proverbial fire that happens every day when you run an assembly plant.”

In addition to freeing Cramer to focus on what they do best, IHD Solutions has helped them improve their bottom line. Christe’s recommendation to other business owners comes from her own experience: “If they’re having headaches in their paint experiences now, they need to reach out to IHD, because I have a feeling they could make those headaches go away for them. The products they’re delivering don’t have to be sorted; they don’t have to be restacked somewhere and sent back for rework. When you think about the labor dollars, it’s hard to put a number on that. But time is money for everybody so when you no longer have to sort through something that should be right from the beginning, just so it can be redone, you know it’s a win-win for everyone.”

Contact us today to find out how IHD Solutions Commercial Powdercoat Services can help your company save on parts, labor, and even headaches.

SkyMark Refuels Bottom Line Profit With IHD Sub-Assemblies

“Since partnering with IHD Solutions, we’ve experienced a significant reduction in build times, improved efficiencies, significant labor savings, and a substantial increase in profits. There is no way we could do it better ourselves, and believe me, we’ve tried.”

When it comes to assembling components, SkyMark Refuelers and FloMark Vacuum Trucks can attest to the value IHD Solutions adds to their teams. As world-leading producers of high-quality aircraft refueling trucks and fully engineered vacuum trucks, these manufacturers have tried their hand at subassembly and learned that it’s a labor-intensive process that takes an incredible amount of time and skill. They’ve also determined assembly is commonly among the greatest drains on their resources.

IHD Solutions has been providing and managing their hardware and component parts for years, so when we recognized how we could help improve the subassembly process, we didn’t hesitate to make our recommendations. By retaining our team to step in and take over, we were able to make a marked improvement on efficiencies, assembling all of the manufactured components so their workers could remain focused solely on the installation.

Then we took it even further. Now we by the fabricated brackets and other parts, powder coat them in our facility and deliver the assembled components, literally eliminating many build hours from each truck. Depending on their needs, we have the capacity to build 30, 50, or even 100 components at a time, so they’ll have fast access when they’re ready to use them. Since we’ve expanded our services to SkyMark Refuelers and FloMark Vacuum Trucks, they’ve seen increased profits through faster production and decreased downtime — once again proving our worth when it comes to providing unparalleled manufacturing support.

IHD Solutions’ Casters Expertise Smokes Production for Curly’s Rib Carts

“When we started using new casters on our rib carts, we quickly discovered that the wheels froze up once they got hot in the oven, literally putting a halt to production. Thanks to the expertise and responsiveness of IHD Solutions, delays were minimal, and we’ll be able to avoid this problem moving forward.”

We’d like to tell you about an unexpected situation we encountered, which speaks well to our expertise with casters and our ability to quickly find real solutions for the unique manufacturing demands of our clients — ultimately earning the loyalty of the John Morrell Food Group.

It began with the addition of new casters to the carts used to transport ribs through the entire cooking/smoking process which takes place at the Curly’s plant in Iowa. These carts literally hold a ton of ribs at a time, so they must be able to bear thousands of pounds, and still roll with ease as they’re pulled throughout the manufacturing facility. Add to that heavy burden, the fact that they are constantly subjected to extreme temperature changes as they travel from the cooling area to the smoker oven, and then to cooling again. That’s a lot to ask of a set of casters, and it takes the right components to function well and provide longevity.

As it happened, it didn’t take long for the new casters to malfunction. The wheels locked up when they were exposed to heat, preventing employees from removing the carts from the ovens. Not only was this a big safety issue it also caused product loss and production delays. So, they called IHD Solutions and our industry expert immediately took action.

First, he quickly determined that the brass bushings in the existing casters were incompatible with the demands of the environment. Then, he pulled new bearings from our inventory and promptly took a road trip to Sioux City. Upon arrival, he went right to work pulling the casters from the carts, making repairs and replacing them, working until they were all swapped out.

Our team’s industry expertise and dedication to going above and beyond for our clients enabled Curly’s rib production to get back on track fast, and helped to mitigate their losses better than they could have anticipated — solid evidence of our devotion to being an accountable support team for every single client, and a reason our clients value our partnership so much.

AES Raptor’s Success Is Made Safer With IHD Solutions

“As a small team in the big business of workplace safety, we each must wear many different hats to keep the company operating smoothly. IHD Solutions makes it so much easier for us to keep up with the growing demand for our construction site safety equipment.”

AES Raptor is one of our more well-rounded client relationships that started years ago with our powder coating services. As a part of our standard procedure, we made it our business to learn their business on a much deeper level. Because we did our job so well, we earned their trust and confidence in our capabilities. And this is precisely how we expanded our partnership and started managing AES Raptor’s hardware.

At the time, the company’s production manager was also serving in the important roles of Truck Driver and Purchasing Manager, in addition to a long list of other duties. As you can imagine, his task list was overwhelming and there were just not enough hours in the day to get everything done. The seemingly simple job of keeping all the hardware properly stocked, organized and inventoried required more time than he had to devote — resulting in costly production delays.

IHD Solutions was quickly able to resolve the situation by setting up and maintaining an efficient system. Today, we manage their hardware inventory and continuously source additional items needed for their products, in addition to powder coating their parts. We’ve even expanded our own inventory, keeping more parts easily accessible and better serving AES Raptor and our other clients. Now it’s easier than ever for them to keep the lines moving without concern of hardware delays.

We’re proud to say we’ve participated in AES Raptor’s growth and success, and are excited by the prospect of contributing to their future innovations.

IHD Solutions Increases Uptime & Lowers Expenses For Ag Junction

IHD Solutions Helps AgJunction Increase Operational Uptime And Lower Expenses

“As industry-leading innovators of agriculture guidance and machine control systems, we’ve learned a lot about precision and accuracy. We’ve also learned a few lessons the hard way, a big one being that productivity really suffers during the kitting process. That’s why we depend on IHD Solutions to take care of our kits so we can continue doing what we do best.”

AgJunction is a prime example of the way partnering with us can boost production and increase profit margins. An elite group of accomplished engineers and software architects, AgJunction designs and builds navigation and control systems for use in agricultural aerial applications, tractors, and other farming machinery.

Originally, they purchased all the component parts and created installation kits in-house to include with their systems. However, this practice was a big drain on their resources. Not only were they experiencing many hours of downtime in kitting, but they were also taking a substantial loss by paying an engineer’s hefty salary for a task that can be effectively completed by a less-skilled worker.

Fortunately, we had already established a trusting client relationship with AgJunction because we provided them with hardware and fittings for their aftermarket parts. Ever the strategic problem solvers, we worked together with them to identify this weak link in their production process and made the recommendation that we take over their kitting. They agreed to give it a try, and the results have proven to be gratifying for everyone. We’ve enjoyed a deeper, more meaningful partnership; AgJunction has experienced a dramatic improvement in production time, elevated profits, and now their internal team is free to focus more time on their real specialty — engineering and selling their groundbreaking technology.

Conveyors Solutions Study

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ornare, nibh nec gravida ornare, massa risus aliquam leo, vitae euismod lacus orci ut metus. In eget gravida enim. Fusce sit amet maximus erat. Vestibulum pellentesque leo non justo eleifend, luctus cursus lectus luctus. Nam tempor varius odio, vel mattis mauris varius id. Curabitur finibus nisl quis pharetra blandit. Suspendisse vitae purus quam.

Praesent sed arcu maximus, lacinia felis in, efficitur ipsum. Aenean eget arcu non lorem suscipit placerat. Mauris a porta eros. Aliquam augue neque, varius eu porta fringilla, eleifend ut tortor. In libero magna, tempor quis porttitor a, pharetra vitae purus. Fusce mattis vitae lectus eu auctor. Curabitur venenatis felis id lectus sagittis volutpat. In rutrum erat pretium sagittis consequat. Fusce quis viverra dolor. Curabitur imperdiet, elit non interdum blandit, ligula nisl tincidunt nunc, ac porta sapien urna id nulla. Vivamus eu accumsan diam. Donec eget posuere metus. Nunc ac nunc lorem. Curabitur eu nulla vitae risus pulvinar feugiat quis quis orci.

Curabitur fringilla ut ipsum sed accumsan. Sed tempus tempus enim non finibus. Sed pellentesque, odio elementum consectetur porta, felis enim eleifend enim, rutrum egestas orci erat vitae sem. Duis pulvinar, est sit amet pharetra viverra, magna leo dapibus magna, eu faucibus tellus tellus sed turpis. Phasellus efficitur nec ligula ac laoreet. Donec a semper neque. Duis porta, mauris eu placerat viverra, tellus est rhoncus arcu, nec efficitur est augue ut felis. Duis id elit massa. Mauris nulla elit, finibus eget sodales non, cursus id lacus. Donec dapibus molestie risus, quis lobortis augue tempor eu. Proin commodo ipsum auctor risus posuere ultrices. Integer et sagittis dolor. Fusce odio massa, aliquam et laoreet iaculis, porttitor sit amet nisl.

Pellentesque sit amet turpis sed nisl dignissim cursus. Donec gravida nisl et tincidunt pharetra. Nunc quis lacus accumsan neque vehicula sagittis rhoncus a nisl. Nullam a bibendum nibh, eu venenatis purus. Curabitur enim risus, lacinia bibendum lorem pellentesque, maximus fermentum odio. Pellentesque quis quam sit amet massa dapibus suscipit sit amet ac sapien. Donec eros odio, cursus eget dictum in, ultricies sed turpis. Nunc est odio, vulputate et lectus et, ultrices consectetur elit. Maecenas egestas felis arcu, quis placerat risus blandit sed.

Donec ut molestie ligula. Cras et dignissim mi, a interdum felis. Integer mollis dolor ligula, id gravida ante pharetra ac. Suspendisse consectetur felis tortor, in elementum tellus malesuada non. Nulla vel ante in purus feugiat rutrum. Cras metus enim, lacinia a est et, faucibus lacinia augue. Suspendisse rhoncus tellus ut leo euismod, sit amet rutrum neque fermentum. Fusce id tortor lectus. Phasellus tincidunt ac nulla vitae pretium.

Powder Coating Solutions Study

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ornare, nibh nec gravida ornare, massa risus aliquam leo, vitae euismod lacus orci ut metus. In eget gravida enim. Fusce sit amet maximus erat. Vestibulum pellentesque leo non justo eleifend, luctus cursus lectus luctus. Nam tempor varius odio, vel mattis mauris varius id. Curabitur finibus nisl quis pharetra blandit. Suspendisse vitae purus quam.

Praesent sed arcu maximus, lacinia felis in, efficitur ipsum. Aenean eget arcu non lorem suscipit placerat. Mauris a porta eros. Aliquam augue neque, varius eu porta fringilla, eleifend ut tortor. In libero magna, tempor quis porttitor a, pharetra vitae purus. Fusce mattis vitae lectus eu auctor. Curabitur venenatis felis id lectus sagittis volutpat. In rutrum erat pretium sagittis consequat. Fusce quis viverra dolor. Curabitur imperdiet, elit non interdum blandit, ligula nisl tincidunt nunc, ac porta sapien urna id nulla. Vivamus eu accumsan diam. Donec eget posuere metus. Nunc ac nunc lorem. Curabitur eu nulla vitae risus pulvinar feugiat quis quis orci.

Curabitur fringilla ut ipsum sed accumsan. Sed tempus tempus enim non finibus. Sed pellentesque, odio elementum consectetur porta, felis enim eleifend enim, rutrum egestas orci erat vitae sem. Duis pulvinar, est sit amet pharetra viverra, magna leo dapibus magna, eu faucibus tellus tellus sed turpis. Phasellus efficitur nec ligula ac laoreet. Donec a semper neque. Duis porta, mauris eu placerat viverra, tellus est rhoncus arcu, nec efficitur est augue ut felis. Duis id elit massa. Mauris nulla elit, finibus eget sodales non, cursus id lacus. Donec dapibus molestie risus, quis lobortis augue tempor eu. Proin commodo ipsum auctor risus posuere ultrices. Integer et sagittis dolor. Fusce odio massa, aliquam et laoreet iaculis, porttitor sit amet nisl.

Pellentesque sit amet turpis sed nisl dignissim cursus. Donec gravida nisl et tincidunt pharetra. Nunc quis lacus accumsan neque vehicula sagittis rhoncus a nisl. Nullam a bibendum nibh, eu venenatis purus. Curabitur enim risus, lacinia bibendum lorem pellentesque, maximus fermentum odio. Pellentesque quis quam sit amet massa dapibus suscipit sit amet ac sapien. Donec eros odio, cursus eget dictum in, ultricies sed turpis. Nunc est odio, vulputate et lectus et, ultrices consectetur elit. Maecenas egestas felis arcu, quis placerat risus blandit sed.

Donec ut molestie ligula. Cras et dignissim mi, a interdum felis. Integer mollis dolor ligula, id gravida ante pharetra ac. Suspendisse consectetur felis tortor, in elementum tellus malesuada non. Nulla vel ante in purus feugiat rutrum. Cras metus enim, lacinia a est et, faucibus lacinia augue. Suspendisse rhoncus tellus ut leo euismod, sit amet rutrum neque fermentum. Fusce id tortor lectus. Phasellus tincidunt ac nulla vitae pretium.

Manufacturing Solutions Study

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ornare, nibh nec gravida ornare, massa risus aliquam leo, vitae euismod lacus orci ut metus. In eget gravida enim. Fusce sit amet maximus erat. Vestibulum pellentesque leo non justo eleifend, luctus cursus lectus luctus. Nam tempor varius odio, vel mattis mauris varius id. Curabitur finibus nisl quis pharetra blandit. Suspendisse vitae purus quam.

Praesent sed arcu maximus, lacinia felis in, efficitur ipsum. Aenean eget arcu non lorem suscipit placerat. Mauris a porta eros. Aliquam augue neque, varius eu porta fringilla, eleifend ut tortor. In libero magna, tempor quis porttitor a, pharetra vitae purus. Fusce mattis vitae lectus eu auctor. Curabitur venenatis felis id lectus sagittis volutpat. In rutrum erat pretium sagittis consequat. Fusce quis viverra dolor. Curabitur imperdiet, elit non interdum blandit, ligula nisl tincidunt nunc, ac porta sapien urna id nulla. Vivamus eu accumsan diam. Donec eget posuere metus. Nunc ac nunc lorem. Curabitur eu nulla vitae risus pulvinar feugiat quis quis orci.

Curabitur fringilla ut ipsum sed accumsan. Sed tempus tempus enim non finibus. Sed pellentesque, odio elementum consectetur porta, felis enim eleifend enim, rutrum egestas orci erat vitae sem. Duis pulvinar, est sit amet pharetra viverra, magna leo dapibus magna, eu faucibus tellus tellus sed turpis. Phasellus efficitur nec ligula ac laoreet. Donec a semper neque. Duis porta, mauris eu placerat viverra, tellus est rhoncus arcu, nec efficitur est augue ut felis. Duis id elit massa. Mauris nulla elit, finibus eget sodales non, cursus id lacus. Donec dapibus molestie risus, quis lobortis augue tempor eu. Proin commodo ipsum auctor risus posuere ultrices. Integer et sagittis dolor. Fusce odio massa, aliquam et laoreet iaculis, porttitor sit amet nisl.

Pellentesque sit amet turpis sed nisl dignissim cursus. Donec gravida nisl et tincidunt pharetra. Nunc quis lacus accumsan neque vehicula sagittis rhoncus a nisl. Nullam a bibendum nibh, eu venenatis purus. Curabitur enim risus, lacinia bibendum lorem pellentesque, maximus fermentum odio. Pellentesque quis quam sit amet massa dapibus suscipit sit amet ac sapien. Donec eros odio, cursus eget dictum in, ultricies sed turpis. Nunc est odio, vulputate et lectus et, ultrices consectetur elit. Maecenas egestas felis arcu, quis placerat risus blandit sed.

Donec ut molestie ligula. Cras et dignissim mi, a interdum felis. Integer mollis dolor ligula, id gravida ante pharetra ac. Suspendisse consectetur felis tortor, in elementum tellus malesuada non. Nulla vel ante in purus feugiat rutrum. Cras metus enim, lacinia a est et, faucibus lacinia augue. Suspendisse rhoncus tellus ut leo euismod, sit amet rutrum neque fermentum. Fusce id tortor lectus. Phasellus tincidunt ac nulla vitae pretium.