“Time is money for everybody, so when you no longer have to sort through something that should be right from the beginning, just so it can be redone, you know it’s a win-win for everyone.” ~Christe Foster, Cramer LLC
For more than 130 years, Cramer LLC has been on the leading edge when it comes to innovating task chairs and stools. Workers in fields ranging from clinical, to industrial to medical have been working more comfortably for many decades, thanks to Cramer’s dedicated mission: to improve the health and productivity of workers in unique environments.
For the past decade, IHD Solutions has been a proud participant in this endeavor.
Prior to partnering with IHD Solutions, Cramer had spent many frustrating years with another local powder coat provider. It wasn’t until Nathan approached them that they considered doing anything other than continuing to try to work through the issues they’d grown accustomed to handling. IHD Solutions submitted a quote and ran some sample parts, and the rest is history.
According to Cramer’s Director of Operations, Christe Foster, “Their quality of paint was far better than what we were getting out of our current painter at the time. So, it was kind of a no-brainer, they had a very, very competitive quote and a much better quality so Cramer made the switch and IHD has been painting our parts ever since.”
She continues: “At the end of the day, we had fewer repaints and rejects. If you’re in manufacturing, you know that there’s nothing worse than running a big order and getting a bad run of parts halfway through it because of the paint. Literally, once we moved to IHD Solutions, we didn’t have those issues anymore. They deliver an exceptional product and one that we can depend on from a quality perspective. Our rework costs pretty much disappeared when we went with IHD. We were used to an insane amount of rework parts, or shipments would show up missing parts, and there were a lot of problems with overall quality. But with IHD Solutions, all of those issues just went away.”
Since Cramer has been partnering with IHD Solutions, they’ve also been able to sub out their assembly work to Nuvar out of Michigan with a higher level of confidence. Foster credits our capability to work directly with Cramer’s assembly partner, saying: “It has really allowed our company to take what we’re good at, which is our customer service team, our support, our sales team, as well as our engineering and our R&D–now we can spend a lot more time working on bringing new products to market rather than just putting out the proverbial fire that happens every day when you run an assembly plant.”
In addition to freeing Cramer to focus on what they do best, IHD Solutions has helped them improve their bottom line. Christe’s recommendation to other business owners comes from her own experience: “If they’re having headaches in their paint experiences now, they need to reach out to IHD, because I have a feeling they could make those headaches go away for them. The products they’re delivering don’t have to be sorted; they don’t have to be restacked somewhere and sent back for rework. When you think about the labor dollars, it’s hard to put a number on that. But time is money for everybody so when you no longer have to sort through something that should be right from the beginning, just so it can be redone, you know it’s a win-win for everyone.”
Contact us today to find out how IHD Solutions Commercial Powdercoat Services can help your company save on parts, labor, and even headaches.